Posts Tagged ‘India Gambia Relations’

Global Fashion Week Noida 2024 Hosts Vibrant Food Festival at AAFT School of Hospitality and Tourism

June 13, 2024
Global Fashion Week Noida 2024 Hosts Vibrant Food Festival at AAFT School of Hospitality and Tourism

Noida, India – The AAFT School of Hospitality and Tourism recently hosted a grand food festival as part of the Global Fashion Week Noida 2024. The event featured an impressive array of cuisines from around the world, showcasing the culinary talents of the students.

The Second Session of the food festival was inaugurated by H.E. Yasiel Burrillo, Ambassador of Panama to India, and Aji Fatoumatta Joof, First Secretary of The Gambia High Commission. The colorful display of international flags created an inviting atmosphere, drawing many attendees from the concurrent fashion show to join the festivities.

Ambassador Yasiel Burrillo expressed her admiration, stating, “I am impressed by the dishes from Panama. I must say that the students of AAFT have done well.” Her sentiments were echoed by Aji Fatoumatta Joof, who remarked, “I was not expecting food from Gambia; it is totally a surprise for me. I must congratulate Dr. Marwah for his unique idea of bringing the food festival close to fashion week.”

The festival’s layout was praised for its elegance, comparable to that of a five-star hotel in Delhi. Students of the AAFT School of Hospitality and Tourism had the unique opportunity to engage with dignitaries, gaining valuable experience and exposure.

Dr. Sandeep Marwah, President of AAFT, was congratulated for his innovative approach in combining the food festival with the fashion week, enhancing the cultural and educational experience for all participants. The event was supported by Indo Panama Film and Cultural Forum & Indo Gambia Film and Cultural Forum.

Indo Gambia Film and Cultural Forum Met at ICMEI Headquarters

March 15, 2024
Indo Gambia Film and Cultural Forum Met at ICMEI Headquarters

Noida: The Indo Gambia Film and Cultural Forum recently convened at the prestigious headquarters of the International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry (ICMEI) in Noida. This significant event saw the coming together of esteemed delegates from both nations, fostering cultural exchange and collaboration.

In a notable partnership, the High Commission of Gambia has joined forces with the 12th Global Festival of Journalism Noida 2024, further solidifying the bond between the two countries. His Excellency Mr. Mustapha Jawara, the esteemed High Commissioner of Gambia, graced the occasion alongside Gambian diplomats from the High Commission of Gambia, adding a touch of diplomatic finesse to the proceedings at Marwah Studios.

During the event, Mr. Sandeep Marwah, a revered figure in the realm of media and entertainment, presented mementos to a distinguished delegation of artists from Gambia. These artists, representing the rich cultural tapestry of their nation, were honored for their contributions at the Surajkund Mela. The delegation included:

Sanna B. Jarju – Head of Delegation

Matarr Jeng – Xalam Instrumentalist

Yusupha Suso – Balafon Xylophone Player

Bubacar Jallow – Flutist

Muhamadou Kamaso – Kora Player

Mustapha Ceesay – Percussionist

Nene Jali Suso – Vocalist/Singer

Amie Jafuneh – Vocalist/Singer

Yero Ann – Lead Singer

Demba Ayo Sallah – Riti Instrumentalist

Maimuna Bah – Female Drummer

Jainaba Ceesay – Female Drummer

Jarry Bah – Dancer

Mai Jallow – Vocalist/Singer

Saidou Samba – Riti Instrumentalist

Habib Sey – Drummer

Pateh Sowe – Drummer

Samba Touray – Silversmith

Awa OB. Conateh – Fashion Designer

Each member of the delegation brought their unique talents and cultural heritage to the forefront, showcasing the diversity and vibrancy of Gambian arts and culture.

The event served as a testament to the enduring spirit of collaboration and friendship between India and Gambia, promising a bright future of cultural exchange and mutual understanding.

ICMEI and Gambia Join Hands to Promote Art and Culture

July 18, 2023
ICMEI and High Commission of Gambia Signed MOU to Promote Art and Culture

Noida: Sandeep Marwah, President of ICMEI (International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry), signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with His Excellency Mustapha Jawara, High Commissioner of Gambia to India at Marwah Studios, Film City Noida.

The objective of the MOU is to foster a closer bond between the people of India and Gambia through the promotion of art and culture. The collaboration aims to facilitate the exchange of artistic ideas, cultural practices, and creative collaborations between the two nations.

The signing of the MOU marks a significant milestone in the cultural relations between India and Gambia. It paves the way for mutual understanding and appreciation of each other’s artistic heritage, while also creating avenues for joint initiatives and projects in the realm of media, entertainment, and cultural exchange.

Sandeep Marwah, a prominent figure in the global media and entertainment industry, expressed his enthusiasm for the partnership, emphasizing the immense potential for cultural collaborations between India and Gambia. He highlighted the power of art in bridging gaps, promoting cultural diversity, and fostering a sense of unity among nations.

Under this agreement, ICMEI and Gambia will work together to organize cultural events, exhibitions, film screenings, and other artistic programs that showcase the rich cultural tapestries of both countries. The collaboration aims to provide a platform for artists, filmmakers, performers, and cultural enthusiasts to engage in meaningful exchanges and showcase their talents on an international stage.

The MOU signing ceremony witnessed the presence of esteemed dignitaries and representatives from both ICMEI and the Embassy of Gambia. The participants expressed their optimism about the collaboration and their commitment to strengthening cultural ties between the two nations.

Sandeep Marwah Invited by High Commission of Gambia

April 25, 2023
Sandeep Marwah Invited by Mustapha Jawara High Commissioner of Gambia

New Delhi: Sandeep Marwah, the renowned film personality and Chair of Indo Gambia Film and Cultural Forum, was recently invited by the High Commission of Gambia to further enhance the cultural ties between India and Gambia. The invitation is a testament to the success of the Indo Gambia Film and Cultural Forum, which has been instrumental in promoting cultural exchange and cooperation between the two nations.

“India and Gambia have been best friends for decades and have conducted numerous cultural activities through the Indo Gambia Film and Cultural Forum. The Forum has played a vital role in fostering greater understanding and appreciation of each other’s culture and heritage,” said H.E. Mustapha Jawara High Commissioner of Gambia to India.

During his visit, Sandeep Marwah held talks with the High Commissioner of Gambia to explore new avenues of collaboration in the fields of art, music, literature, and other cultural activities. The partnership is expected to create more opportunities for artists, musicians, and cultural enthusiasts to share their experiences and ideas.

Sandeep Marwah expressed his gratitude for the invitation and reiterated his commitment to promoting and preserving the rich cultural heritage of India and Gambia. The Indo Gambia Film and Cultural Forum is looking forward to expanding its activities and exploring new opportunities for collaboration in the future.

Indo Gambia Film & Cultural Forum Meet at ICMEI

December 31, 2021
Gambian Delegation at Marwah Studios at Noida Film City

New Delhi: “We are honored to receive you at the Global headquarters of International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry at Noida Film City. This visit has strengthened the relation between High Commission of Gambia in India and ICMEI. You can see for yourself how we are organized,” Dr. Sandeep Marwah welcomed H.E. Mustapha Jawara High Commissioner of Gambia to India to Marwah Studios.

H.E. Mustapha Jawara High Commissioner of Gambia to India took a full round of all the facilities at Marwah Studios. He met the staff and faculty of AAFT, students of Asian Academy of Film and Television, saw the shooting going on different shooting floors including commercial productions and student’s productions, inspected the postproduction department which was also working in full swing.

The two important mediums of ICMEI Radio Noida 107.4FM & MSTV interviewed H.E. Mustapha Jawara, the Patron of Indo Gambia Film and Cultural Forum. Many new points were generated while discussing the programs for the coming months.

The deputy Head of the Mission Lamin Singhhateh Embassy of Gambia also appreciated the facilities at ICMEI and thanked for the well-designed tour for the Gambian Delegation. The meeting was attended by Buba Kinnteh Finance Attache of Gambia

Mustapha Jawara Patron to Indo Gambia Film and Cultural Forum

December 25, 2021
Sandeep Marwah with High Commissioner of Gambia to India

New Delhi: “It is a great honour for all of us at Indo Gambia Film and Cultural Forum and International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry to present Patronship to H.E. Mustapha Jawara High Commissioner of Gambia to India. We have to learn a lot from this distinguished personality on International relations,” said Sandeep Marwah President of ICMEI while handing over the memento to High Commissioner.

Indo Gambia Film and Cultural Forum was created way back in 2018 to develop and promote relation between two countries through art and culture. Films, television, media, hospitality & tourism, fashion & design, skill development, environment, performing arts, events are some of the subjects ICMEI, IGFCF and High Commission have been working together on.

“I am pleased to be associated with Indo Gambia Film and Cultural Forum. Together we can touch the heights. We can bring some wonderful changes,” said H.E. Mustapha Jawara accepting the patronship of the forum.

Dr. Sandeep Marwah invited High Commissioner to the International Headquarters of ICMEI at Noida Film City to see for himself as how ICMEI is organized.

ICMEI Congratulated on National Day of Gambia

February 28, 2021
ICMEI Congratulated on The National Day of Gambia

New Delhi: “I on behalf of ICMEI and complete media & entertainment industry and art & culture fraternity extend my heartiest congratulations to H.E. Ms Jainaba Jagne, High Commissioner of Gambia to India and people of Gambia on the auspicious day of  their National Day which falls on 18th February,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry.

 The Gambia and India have common interest in international affairs and sometimes share common points of view on international issues. The level of cooperation between Gambia and India at the international scene is very much encouraging especially at the level of the United Nations

“Indo Gambia Film And Cultural Forum has been created to develop and promote relations between the people of two countries. The country of Gambia has always been partners in progress with all the international programs ICMEI has been conducted including Global Film Festival, Global Festival of Journalism, Global Literary Festival and Global Fashion Week,” added Dr. Marwah.